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Join the life-changing 14-Day Encouragement Challenge

Leading yourself with love.

Feed your soul. Ready to feel genuinely encouraged? Coach Dawn Super shares her powerful mindset magic strategies, delivered straight to your inbox to transform your life from the inside out, in the comfort of your home.

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dawn super

Personal Growth, self-love bootcamp. The Encouragement Challenge is a 14 day series of personal growth tasks, all designed to build upon each other. It starts of simple and slow, building a foundation of perspective shifts, a bit at a time. You get a chance to "try on" different mindsets, subtle changes that you are focusing on. The challenge is simple but not necessarily easy.

Each level receives an informative (3-7 minute) video explaining and giving the task of the day.

The Self-Directed level will give you a summary and bullet points of what you will get out of doing the task (2-5 minutes of reading).

The Guided In-Depth level comes with workbook pages that include Before and After questions to help you track your progress, in-depth explanation of how the task will change your life, details on the extensive benefits that come from succeeding at the task, tips on how to complete it and after questions (10-15 minutes of reading and answering questions).

Every level will go out and "live" the task that is set each day. These tasks seem very simple and easy to incorporate into your everyday life, without changing your schedule much at all. You'll get an Accountability Tracker to help you stay on track as to which day you are doing. The emails are all labeled by Day and Number so you can go back and revisit the guidance given along the way and if for some reason you cannot complete a day, you can just pick back up when you can and continue to follow the days by number.


If you are interested in gaining the benefits of this challenge, which are quite extensive, your best option is the Guided In-Depth LEVEL. Dawn Super believes in the power of this challenge so much, she offers a Money Back Guarantee on this level. Participate fully in the challenge - watch the videos, complete the workbook questions and read the lessons, benefits and tips for completing the task, and live the task (example: staying calm) throughout the day, to the best of your abilities. IF at the end of the challenge, having participated fully, if you feel you got nothing out of this challenge, Dawn will refund your money in full. So feel free to take the chance on you.

What's Included In This Challenge


Valuable personal growth tools delivered by email and video* for 14 days. Learn about yourself, your life and the way you're walking through the world


Mindset Magic Strategies to deepen your learning. Practical strategies that translate into your actual life. Choose how deep you want to go.

Get opportunities to PRACTICE + a group** for accountability so you will forever know how to encourage yourself under any circumstances you may face.

Meet Your Host: Dawn Super

Dawn Super is an inspiring empowerment coach who helps individuals thrive, regardless of their circumstances. Living with lifelong health challenges, including narcolepsy, and overcoming a difficult life filled with trauma, she uses her unique "mindset magic strategies" and insightful "life hacks" to guide clients towards authentic self-love and personal growth no matter what they are going through in life. Dawn’s transformative approach combines intuitive understanding, empathy, and creative solutions, making her an ideal coach for those navigating difficult paths to find their way to thriving.

Join the Challenge
dawn super lean tree

Click the play button to learn more about the 14-Day Encouragement Challenge in this 2:35 min video

Here's Why You Will Love This Online Challenge

Daily video

This challenge will give you clear directions on how to succeed

No matter what level of the challenge you choose, you will learn the unique techniques, that build upon each other, to deepen your connection to yourself. And you can see the direct impact of feeling encouraged continue to bloom into every aspect of your life.

Extensive personal growth benefits experienced + reinforced

Every level of the challenge is designed to help you experience feels that help translate into personal growth in many different areas of your life. The growth builds upon itself day after day, giving you personal power to help lead yourself with love. To see an extensive list of the benefits, click HERE

Benefits of challenge

Sign up for The Encouragement Challenge Now and get the Welcome and Day One delivered immediately to your inbox.

The Tomorrow You've Been Waiting For Starts Today!

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Click to read Why Coach Dawn Super created The Encouragement Challenge

Hello! You may be wondering how this challenge came to be...  13 years ago I was at rock bottom, 6 feet under OK . In every area of life - health, finances, relationships ++.  It took a lot of rainbowbarf to get here and some serious personal growth. Like, demolish and start over kind of personal growth… but I did it. WHILE living with many of the same circumstances I did back then. What changed was my MIND , what was on it and what could I do about it.

In the last couple years as an empowerment coach and motivational content creator, I’ve seen first hand what strategies really pierce the veil that we tend to put on ourselves. Call it conditioning or programming or just the things we do to “fit in,” to belong to something… or someone. We often don’t even have a clue who WE really even are.

I would have really LOVED a crash course in reversing a lifetime of negative programming, of people pleasing, of not always being on my own side... even just some direction on how to be more successful socially, with relationships, with the conversations I have with myself.

So, I made one. I took 13 years of wisdom gained, and road traveled, and I turned them into a fun challenge that includes a daily personal growth task, with an instruction video and, depending on the level you choose, written instructions, benefits and even a workbook. All depending on how deep into you you want to go.

14 days of personal growth mindset magic strategies designed to get you on your own side. To dig into the real you, to learn to lead yourself with love always, in any circumstances. To spend the rest of your life feeling good about yourself, to feel encouraged… no matter who is around.

That’s my baby. I call her, The Encouragement Challenge. Share it with someone you think totally needs this kind of transformative challenge, or sign up yourself if that someone is you.

Let's Hear What Others Are Saying

Such a perspective shift!

"Dawn’s explanation of what boundaries are and how to apply them was clear and actionable. It helped me recognize areas in my life where I was not honoring my own needs and commitments."

I feel good about myself.

"I’ve started to see an improvement in my self-respect. It feels empowering to hold myself accountable and make choices that align with my values and goals."

I stopped putting myself last.

"By shifting my perspective to prioritize my well-being, I’m learning to lead with love from the inside out, which is fostering a more positive and fulfilling life."

Authenticity is a superpower.

"Understanding what it means to be authentic has liberated me from the need to conform to others' expectations. I feel a sense of relief from the pressure to fit into molds that don't resonate with my true self."

Feed your soul

A taste of encouragement

Sliding scale - basic level

Best if: You’re just curious about the encouragement challenge and just want the tasks, you're not ready to go deeper into the why or how. Or, you’re so advanced in your personal growth you just want an encouraging booster to pump you up.

Sliding Scale level, pay what you can, minimum $1.

sliding scale graphic

You will get:

   - a daily email with the mindset magic strategy task of the day

 - a link to the video explaining your objective of each day.

A helping of encouragement

Self-Directed - intermediate level

Best if: You’re pretty far on your spiritual journey and would love to deepen your already positive relationship with yourself and would love to hear new perspectives and why and how these strategies expand your mindset leaving you feeling more encouraged than ever before.

Self-Directed level, $37


You will get:

- a daily email with the mindset magic strategy task of the day

- a link to the video explaining your objective of each day.

- a brief lesson on why this is included in the challenge

- bullet-points of the benefits of mastering the topic of the day

- tips to help you accomplish the task

An encouragement feast

Guided In-Depth - supercharged level

Best if: You are looking for guidance on your personal growth journey and prefer a clear-cut path, with specific directions. You want to know the detailed reasons why you’re doing each task. You want to hear practical examples to follow. You want details on what you will get out of doing each task. You want the workbook to help you see your progress and hold your thoughts together. You like the idea of the workshop at the end of each week. You want to immerse yourself in the experience and treat it like the life-changing opportunity it is so you walk away feeling more encouraged than ever before.

Guided In-Depth level, $99

guided in-depth graphic

You will get:

- a daily email with the mindset magic strategy task of the day

- a link to the video explaining your objective of each day.

- an in-depth workbook that includes:

  • before and after questions to help you see your growth
  • expanded lesson on why the strategy helps
  • details on the benefits of mastering the strategy
  • easy-to-follow exercises to help you succeed
Join the Challenge

Ready to feel more encouraged than ever before?

In just 14 days you will know yourself better, like yourself better and feel more ready to take on the world! Join the challenge today!

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